Functions of products from tire pyrolysis processing

2015-08-17 / Continuous Pyrolysis plant
1.What could you get from waste tires?
After waste tire pyrolysis processing,you could get 45%-52%tire oil, 30%carbon black and 15%steel wire.
The other around 5% is uncondensable gas, which will be recycled to be burnt directly for heating reactor. It will be energy saving and environmental friendly.

2.What could you do with the final products?
Tire oil
it is of high heating value,about 44.32MJ/KG, which is widely used in lots of factories .
1.For heating usage: Glass factory, Cement factory, steel factory, Aluminum factory, iron factory, Ceramics factory, painting factory etc.
It could also be used for heating boilers. You only need to add a heavy oil burner.
2. For power plant-Lots of customers using bunker oil to produce electricity, the quality of tire oil and plastic oil are better than bunker oil.
You could try it with heavy oil generators to produce electricity.
3. Sell it to refinery center.

Oil function

Carbon black
There are 3 markets for carbon black
1. Our India and Pakistan customers usually sell it to cement factories directly.
2. You could make it into carbon black pallet then used to heat your reactor. Or sell to cement factories.
3. Our Egypt customers further tire pyrolysis processing it into fine carbon black powder by milling machine. This fine carbon black powder has a very good local maket.

Steel wire
Steel wire could be sold directly to steel factories.


PREV:What can we get from waste tires after processing by DOING waste tyre recycling to oil pyrolysis machine?

NEXT:Why recycling waste tires or plastic by pyrolysis processing?

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